Customised, cost-effective sheds for your unique shed needs.

With our specialised shed design knowledge, expert guidance and extensive building experience, we can help you to create the ideal shed to suit your style and budget.

We work closely with you to explore and understand your particular needs, convert that knowledge into an effective design and build a great looking shed that will serve you well for many years. We will pay attention to detail and complete your new shed project in a timely manner.

We like to say Great Sheds, Done Right!

Our Sheds






Consent Free

Pole Sheds

No Weak Links

The WSC point of difference

There are five crucial links in the building chain. If any of these links are weak, the result can be disappointing.

There are companies that can claim to tick the box on two or three of these links, but not so many that can tick all five. Waikato Shed Company has worked very hard to put all the required systems and people in place to ensure it can tick all the boxes and has a track record to prove it.

Clear Communication

We listen to your requirements, keep in touch and communicate throughout the entire process of your shed build project.

Proven System

Strong, durable components and connection systems from reputable suppliers that are properly engineered and fit for purpose.

Focussed Design

Using our extensive knowledge and eye for detail, we ensure the shed will do the job required, customising to meet customer needs.

Quality Build

Experienced builders who have practical experience and know what they are doing. Established relationships with other trades people as required.

Reliable Back-up

We are committed to a great outcome. With over 15 years in the business, we stand behind our buildings to provide peace of mind.

What our clients say

Incredible value for money

They understood that I didn’t just want a rectangular shed and developed a plan which incorporated exactly what I wanted. We got incredible value for money and the best all round service and quality possible.

Simon Read
Flexible & easy to work with

We had some “must haves” for the shed – the float had to fit in! We found with other shed builders that there was a lack of flexibility in the design, and working with Brian made the whole thing very simple.

Gavin and Leanne Jeffcoat
Get more shed for your dollar

Their sheds are exceptional value for money. There are plenty of others out there that do cheap sheds, but no-one comes close to delivering as much shed for your dollar as Waikato Sheds.

Phil Empson

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